Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Real Bible Code

This post was first published on ROOTSS on Wednesday, 3rd October 2007

Yesterday, I blogged about the Hebrew language being the only digital language. This allowed the scribes to copy the original texts that were written by Moses, Joshua, David, etc with great accuracy and precision, and without any error or omission because they could verify this via "row subtotals" and "column subtotals".

With this background, let us look at Genesis 1:1. The scribes had to copy the passage in its entirety, even though there was a word in there that did not seem to make any sense, and even appeared superfluous to them.

Hebrew reads from right to left. Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew is "ba'reshiyth bara elohiym eth ha'shamayim neth ha'erets".

Note that the word eth appears in this verse, but is not translated!

This word is made up of the letters "aleph" and "tav", which are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

It was a mystery to the scribes when they copied it down through the ages, but that mystery was uncovered by the apostle John!

Jn 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God." What was the Word? Aleph-Tav!

Jesus Himself declared in Rev 1:8, Rev 21:6 and Rev 22:13 that He was the Alpha and Omega. The book of Revelations was written in Greek because that was the language of commerce during the apostolic age. But Jesus spoke Hebrew, so what He was in fact telling John was that He was the Aleph and the Tav.

In other words, Jesus had put His own signature, right there in the beginning, in the first verse of the first chapter of the first book.

The above revelation was obtained from a sermon by Dr. Larry Ollison entitled "The Hebrew Language". The following is an extract from that sermon where he talks about the signature of Jesus appearing in Gen 1:1.

Which brings me to the title of today's post. Several years ago, Michael Drosnin wrote a book called The Bible Code, in which he claimed that the Bible contained hidden codes about various people and incidents in history.

Well, the true Bible Code is that the person of Jesus is hidden in the Old Testament Scriptures, and as Christians, it is in our interest to uncover and unveil Him, because the more we know about Him, the more we know our own position, since we are co-heirs with Him. It is in our interest to know more and more about Christ, because as He is, so are we in this world.

Right there in Gen 1:1, His signature is found. In Gen 3:15, God the Father prophesied that Jesus would be the seed of Eve that would crush Satan's head. In Num 21, the snake in the desert that cured the Israelites was a picture of Jesus being lifted up so that all who believed in Him may have eternal life(Jn 3:14-15). And there are many, many more nuggets of truth in the Old Testament Scriptures (Noah's Ark being a type of Christ, Jesus in the genealogy of Noah, Joseph being a type of Christ, Boaz being a shadow of Christ, etc, etc)

When we start to realise that the Old Testament contains numerous hidden treasures of our Lord Jesus, the Bible becomes like that mystery novel that we just cannot put down! Our hunger and thirst for the Word of God intensifies, as the Holy Spirit progressively unveils and uncovers Jesus, yea even in seemingly "dry" books like Leviticus, Numbers and Lamentations! Paul says that ALL Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for equipping us -- and ALL means ALL -- including genealogies, numbers, names, etc. There are no insignificant details in the Bible.

Tomorrow, I will blog about how the LORD embedded into Scriptures music as a means of worship unto Him.

1 comment:

  1. True indeed! Jesus is the hidden message of the bible code. :D
