Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Abundant Life Refers to the Here and Now

This post was first published on ROOTSS on Sunday, 2nd September 2007

When I was much younger, I used to equate the eternal life in Jn 3:16 with the abundant life in Jn 10:10.

Christians were supposed to have this attitude that "this world is not my home, I'm just a passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue". So while we were in our mortal bodies, we were expected to go through much pain and sufferings. After all, temporal hardships were nothing compared to eternal blessings.

Now I understand the context of John 10:10. The devil will not be able to kill, steal and destroy us when we are already in heaven. but while we are still here on earth. It thus follows that the abundant and victorious life is meant to be enjoyed this side of heaven as well!

The devil will try to push God either into the past or into the future, when He should actually be relevant to us right here in the present.

Which brings me to another excerpt of the DVD compilation called Humorous Bible Illustrations. This one is entitled "God, Our Very Present Help".

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